Human Development Index

Human Development Index

Human Development Index

From Taj Mahal to High Rise Mall
India's growth spurt compared

From Taj Mahal to High Rise Mall
India's growth spurt compared

From Taj Mahal to High Rise Mall
India's growth spurt compared

A data visualisation of how India stacks up to the cool kids in the developed world

A data visualisation of how India stacks up to the cool kids in the developed world








What is HDI?

The Human Development Index, or HDI, is like a report card for how countries are doing at taking care of their people.

It looks at stuff like how long people live, how much schooling they get, and how much money they make. The HDI mixes together all those numbers to give each country a score to see who's acing it and who needs improvement.

It's not perfect, but it gives a quick snapshot of how people are doing in different parts of the world.

How India compares to the rest (HDI)

I have chosen to compare India to the major developed nations and regional powers for this project,. Below I have mapped the HDI for these countries and forecasted for the next 4 years using ARIMA.

Japan, USA, UK, Germany, Russia, China

How is it Calculated?
(some math stuff)

How is it Calculated?
(some math stuff)

How is it Calculated?
(some math stuff)

Life Expectancy Index (LEI) = LE-20/85-20

Education INdex (EI) = MYSI+EYSI/2

MYS = Mean Years of Schooling/15

EYS = Expected Years of Schooling/15

Income Index (II) = ln(GNIpc) - ln(100)/ln(75,000) - ln(100)

GNIpc = Gross National Income per capita


Life Expectancy Index (LEI) = LE-20/85-20

Education INdex (EI) = MYSI+EYSI/2

MYS = Mean Years of Schooling/15

EYS = Expected Years of Schooling/15

Income Index (II) = ln(GNIpc) - ln(100)/ln(75,000) - ln(100)

GNIpc = Gross National Income per capita






United Kingdom


United States

LE: Life Expectancy

GNI: Gross National Income

MYS: Mean Years of Schooling

EYS: Expected Years of Schooling


How are Indians doing in schools? (EI)

How are Indians doing in schools? (EI)

Here we have EYS (Expected Years of Schooling). This measures the total number of years of schooling a child can expect to receive based on current enrollment rates.

As of 2019 India has an EYS of 11.9 years.

Here UK has the highest of 17.3. But the award for the most years expected to be schooled 😎 goes to the Aussies - 22.9 years

Here we have EYS (Expected Years of Schooling). This measures the total number of years of schooling a child can expect to receive based on current enrollment rates.

As of 2019 India has an EYS of 11.9 years.

Here UK has the highest of 17.3. But the award for the most years expected to be schooled 😎 goes to the Aussies - 22.9 years

Some facts to sound smarter

Who came up with HDI?

Where are people most 'developed'?

What is 'Germluxembelgium'

Mean Years of Schooling

This is the average number of years of education received by people ages 25 and older in a country.

As of 2019 India has an MYS of only 6.4 years. The highest being from Germany with 14.1 years of schooling.

Mean Years of Schooling

This is the average number of years of education received by people ages 25 and older in a country.

As of 2019 India has an MYS of only 6.4 years. The highest being from Germany with 14.1 years of schooling.

Mean Years of Schooling

This is the average number of years of education received by people ages 25 and older in a country.

As of 2019 India has an MYS of only 6.4 years. The highest being from Germany with 14.1 years of schooling.

How long do Indians live? (LE)

Life expectancy is used as a proxy to measure population health and longevity within a country.

India's life expectancy has increased significantly from around 41 years in 1950 to 69.7 years in 2020 - ranked 131 out of 189 countries

In 2020, the highest life expectancy was in Hong Kong at 87.7 years. The lowest was in the Central African Republic at 54.0 years.

How are India's Financials? (GNI)

It reflects the average annual income earned by a country's citizens domestically and from overseas.

India's GNI per capita has been steadily increasing over the decades from $1,178 in 1990 to $7,430 in 2020

In the 2020 HDI, the highest GNI per capita was in Luxembourg ($59,629) and the lowest was in Burundi ($663).

How are India's Financials? (GNI)

It reflects the average annual income earned by a country's citizens domestically and from overseas.

India's GNI per capita has been steadily increasing over the decades from $1,178 in 1990 to $7,430 in 2020

In the 2020 HDI, the highest GNI per capita was in Luxembourg ($59,629) and the lowest was in Burundi ($663).

How are India's Financials? (GNI)

It reflects the average annual income earned by a country's citizens domestically and from overseas.

India's GNI per capita has been steadily increasing over the decades from $1,178 in 1990 to $7,430 in 2020

In the 2020 HDI, the highest GNI per capita was in Luxembourg ($59,629) and the lowest was in Burundi ($663).

@2023. All rights reserved | Varun Padmanabhan

Human Development Index